
2011年9月28日 星期三

不出門, 安在家, 昨天訂, 明天到, 現代敗家方程式 Reebonz

一直都喜歡網上購物, 以前會去 Amazon 找芭蕾舞有關的書, DVD, 因為香港貨沿很少當然也逃不過到淘寶淘一淘近期亦有新敗, Urban Decay Naked Palette (計劃出試色文, 要看嗎?)

越窮越見鬼最近又再迷上了另一個會迅速令荷包乾硬化的鬼地方 -  Reebonz.

懂我的人都知道我不拿名牌袋, 多數以一身Nike 打扮走天涯 (最近又買了一個超平Nike , 我承認, 我是Nike Woman, Nike fans), 但不代表我不喜歡Luxury  brands, 我的銀包都會挑好的來用, 只因為 Luxury brands 是有它的價值, 就我的銀包為例, 一個LV 已經用上了最少八年時間, 它是當時還未和我成親的打令送的生日禮物, 那時在專門店購買素索價千八港幣.

同樣的款式, 同樣是生日禮物, 同樣是打令送的, 不同的是日期和價位大概5年前, 打令多買了一個同款的送我 (我不花心, 但有要求, 銀包款式都從一而終) 但價錢已經是二千八這樣的升幅我只能說: 跟黃金一樣….超保值.  Anyway, 這個二千八還在保存著, 因為那個千八還未退役.

Luxury brand 之所以成了名牌, 除了因為明星追捧外, 就是因為它的質料耐用,  而且只要是正品, 都會有國際性的保養我的那個千八可是曾經被我失手跌到馬桶去 (幸好之前已沖厠), 濕了風乾又一條好漢, 繼續保衛我沒有太多的銀紙.

說到天花龍鳳名牌是品質保證, 但我就只有千八和二千八兩個名牌銀包因為….
到專門店看每一件貨品都要問價, 問得太多次也厭自己煩而且, 為甚麼香港的名牌專門店總要排隊等入店, 要付這樣的價錢, 但要像買外帶飯盒般在街上排隊入店, 感覺怪誕要排隊的地方多的是, 我不如去老麥買個飽, 怎樣說隊也排得順氣.
網購太方便了, 最近流連的地方是Reebonz.com, 安坐家中, 不用排隊, 明碼實價. 一個網站已經有多個牌子, 款式品牌差不多隔兩三天更新, 光看不賣又不會被白眼, 而且於一站已經可以看到多個牌子, 不用逐間專門店 shop around.
Reebonz 的吸引在於我怕到專門店排隊, 也在於我怕在專門店每個貨品都要問價, 但又out budget...
Reebonz 版面很清晰, 不同品牌不同event 設有不同的大icon, 一看就知那個大 icon 是屬於那一個品牌click 進入, 之後還可選根據價格, 有沒有貨等來排列

Reebonz 每星期都有Event 在進行, 以品牌分類亦有 “Vintage Sale”, “Amazing Sale”, “Weekend Special Sale….”   最近“Vintage Sale” 的都是比較high end 的品牌, 不能擁有也欣賞一下.  
主頁上半部的icon 都是current  event, 是已經開賣的之貨品而下面的部份也要留意, 因為有 Event 的預告星期”Weekend Special Sale”, 將登場的品牌, etc…  最近令人注意的大概是MBMJ (Marc by Marc Jacobs) 何時正式開賣.
除點擊了大icon , 還有pull down menu 幫助選購大分類 的pull down menu 分有女士, 男士, 小童等, 之後再細分品牌產品類別男士包包也有, 皮鞋也有, 手錶也有, 最意外竟然是Holiday Package 都有.


, 有時候品牌貨式也會更新的, 如我買的包包就是當天不知不覺新加到品牌貸品列中, 早一天還未看到的所以心水品牌要每天都要逛一次, 以保心頭好不失.
網站還會列出有已錯過的產品, 如果遇到心儀但又沒貨的東西, 也可以把它放入自己的 wish list.

上得山多終遇虎, 逛得網多總捐獻

結果不幸的事發生了!!  我看中了兩個包包.   我選的都以長青款式為主, 這兩個包包價錢都不貴, 亦不是高級名牌, 二千多塊一個, 算一算, 比我的銀包划算, 起碼容量大好多倍

Reebonz 每件貨品都有不同角度的照片, 甚至有模擬拿著的設計圖片, 照片又可以放大, 看到貨品的細節看過照片後, 覺的吸引的, 還可看看貨品介紹, 尺寸, 所用質料, 顏色形容.

網上購物沒有實物拿在手就要憑文字說明, 圖片式樣來決定所以網站的信用也是重要的因素例如在淘實 和 Yahoo網拍的店我只是以博一博的心態參考其他blogger 的網誌, Reebonz 的信心很強而且Reebonz  提供的資料很足夠, 透明度也高, 不會買隻牛,  變隻狗的情況還有它的真品保證.

看中了就要下單, 網站內有些我杯茶的款式都已經缺貨, 所以行動要快, 搶不到沒人可憐的, 立即二選一.  (真慘! 沒有能力兩個都要, 只能選)

99 決定了, 拿出credit card 付款!   Visa card   Master Card 都可以, 也可以用Pay Pal 付款

不過, 以能省就要省的心態, Reebonz 下單前, 不少得要到它的 facebook LIKE 一個, 因為Reebonz  facebook常有discount code可以使用, 最近的 電視框 (discount) 7%, 買東西有價減何樂而不為最要緊是不要錯過優惠消息

Reebonz 網站標明了Reebonz的 售價 HKD2,333, 也註明了原價 HKD3,639, 亦顯示節省了多少銀兩 HKD1,306, 另外再加上7% 電視框, 感覺更便宜了.

不過, 一切都是幻象, 對我而言, 最終的價格才是我要考慮的重點.

在香港購物都不用另付sales tax, 網購不用付sales tax, 大概都只是一個advantage, 因為平常都習慣, 但令我會考慮的另一因素就是shipping charge.  我是會考慮因為要加上沉重的運費而放棄網購的, 不過在Reebonz 購物大可放心, 因為是免郵的即是說, 只用付貨物的價錢就可以送到手上貨品是直接由新加坡 Fedex 到你手, 多奢侈!! 我平常都只選最平宜的 shipping option. 
雖然產品頁內寫著運貨時間大概要35, 但我在 920日 半夜下單, 在第二天下午已經收到 Fedex 的電郵說貨品 on the way, 最後包包922日早上 Fedex 哥哥已經把它交到我手上, 由新加坡Fedex 到我手上只花了頭尾不到48小時, 快到呢!! 

而且包裝非常得宜, 除了用一個很堅固的黑色硬盒子載好包包以防壓壞之外, 盒外還包了一層厚的透明膠袋, 以免運送期間遇到下雨, 令包包受潮

明明記得包包尺寸不過 45cm x 26cm x 13cm, 但貨件來到時卻是沒有想像非常的大, 打開來看就知道包包的包裝做得;非常好黑色盒子夠大, 夠硬, 包包不用摺疊也可以整個不變形的放入盒內. 而且還有塵袋包著拆開時就像是收禮物一樣的好心情.




盒子是 Reebonz 特製的, 盒蓋上印有Reebonz 網址. 寄來時, 墨色盒子配上金色絲帶, 到我手上根本就是一份禮物的樣子, 以後要送人禮物也可以考慮上 Reebonz 望望, 送貨, 包裝有人代勞.

寫那麼多是想給你看看我的新入手被迫時間到了, 給我一個機會show show我的新包包吧!

蝴蝶結的花紋是 Coach 的 logo

二選一的優勝者, 原因是...皮袋, 不是布袋


網購真是一個魔鬼, 24小時無時無刻都可以敗, 送貨地點可以是自己家, 也可以是朋友家, 穩妥的包裝比自己包花紙好, 送禮也可自奉兩階宜, 最不宜是慾望太多身家太少吧了!
只要可以上網, 這些吸血的鬼地方真是隨時引你敗金!!
若未成為 Reebonz 的會員, click 以下結連登記成會員, 萬一看到平靚正的心頭好就可以立即跟人家搶, 而且也可益我賺取推薦credit 及分享你第一次網購金額5% 的回佣, 資助我下次在Reebonz  shopping.  而你, 網購金額超過HKD1,400 可以獲 HKD120 折扣.



4 則留言:

  1. In art class, the teacher told us to paint freely. I drew a pair of frye sacha moto shortie The shoes can be used as a cradle or a bed for a child. I find it very interesting.
    At night, I had a strange dream, in which I was going to a far away uncle's house. There was no car on the road. I put on the shoes and said "change car". As soon as the voice fell, the frye natalie short engineerinto a car. I sat inside and the car started automatically.
    Open and open, suddenly it rained heavily, and the wind and rain blew in from the car window, so I turned the car into an umbrella. Holding an umbrella, I walked slowly on the road, and as I walked, I encountered a big river that I couldn't frye melanie slip onI turned the umbrella into a boat, and the boat sailed quickly on the river.

  2. green and grey eyes, as the name suggests, are another name for color contact lenses. Some people also call it color film, cosmetic contact film.light blue colored contacts originated in South Korea. They are color contact lenses with performance effects created by artists in pursuit of perfect stage effects. When the color film was born, it was only for wearing on the stage. As time passed, the color film for performances worn by artists was used by some glasses manufacturers, resulting in more cosmetic contact lenses with longer wearing time and better effect. Color film.
    Because the name of theblack eye contactscan vividly reflect the wearing effect of color contact lenses and color films, people are used to collectively refer to all color contact lenses as color contact lenses.

  3. Flat shoes refer to frye harness 8rwith no slope at the bottom. In fact, the bottom is not necessarily completely flat, but it is basically flat. It is relatively healthy compared to high heels and wedges, such as sneakers, peas shoes, and roll-up shoes. Shoes are also flat-soled shoes, and many platform shoes are also flat-soled, but the bottom is very thick, a new form of high heels.
    Flat frye carson are not only elegant in style, but also in quality and appearance. New designs are constantly being introduced, making them the first choice for people to go to work and go to the streets. Pink, burgundy, suede, black leather flat shoes have become the protagonist. Flat shoes have the gentleness of a lady, and flat shoes have a comfortable slack. Comfortable frye chukkasupport your feet, but comfortable shoes are not necessarily the most beautiful shoes, just like ordinary life.

  4. The position of the beauty pupil line is similar to the tattoo eyeliner, at the root of the fake eye color. The main purpose is to make the eyes bigger and more energetic. Only people with double eyelids are suitable for tattooing. Single eyelashes are not effective because the roots of the eyelashes are covered and decorated.
    The tattoo line has the same makeup effect as the eyeliner. As long as the operation is reasonable, there israinbow contact lenses for sale The most fear is that the eyeball will be injured during the operation.
    In the short-term after the operation, the skin will recover naturally after the scab is removed. Be careful not to apply makeup on the eye area: Do not apply eyeliner and mascara for about 3 days after the semi-permanent pink contacts line is done. Because makeup removal is required after makeup, makeup removal products easily affect the color of the product.
